virgin islands scene

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
-- C Northcote Parkinson


Saturday, November 15, 2008


Don’t just generalize about what you wish to achieve. Don’t just have a vague idea about where you would like to go.

Tell yourself exactly what you expect of yourself. Make your goals vivid, clear and precise.

Whether you are traveling around the block or across the ocean, your destination is always a single, specific point. The only way you can reach that point is by clearly and unambiguously defining where it is.

The same is true for every destination you seek to reach, whether it is a place, a person, an object or a set of conditions. When the goal is clear and specific, filled in your mind with all the color, the texture, the sounds and the feelings, you’ll surely be able to work your way there.

Success is largely a matter of deciding upon every little detail of what you wish to achieve. For each detail you envision provides you with an additional pathway to your goal.

Know what you seek, and know it with richness and precision. For that’s exactly what you’ll achieve.

— Ralph Marston

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