virgin islands scene

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
-- Buckminster Fuller


Monday, November 10, 2008

Lift up

Do you want to experience a burst of energy that nothing can take away from you? Then lift up someone else.

Focus on helping another person, and your eyes will open to new and powerful possibilities. Give of yourself to others, and you’ll end up with even more to give.

Every great achievement goes far beyond the achiever. In fact, the value of any achievement is based on how many people it positively affects.

Get in the habit of making a difference for others. Every day provides you with ample opportunities to do so.

Every person has real and unique value. Respect and celebrate that value by connecting with the goodness of each person you encounter.

Lift up others and you lift up your world. Lift up your world, and you’ll find it a wonderful place to be.

— Ralph Marston

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