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Energy is equal to desire and purpose.
-- Sheryl Adams


Monday, October 13, 2008

The value inside

At the heart of all value in your life is the purpose of your life. No person, no group, no situation, no series of events can take that purpose away from you.

Everything to which you assign value, has that value because it expresses or resonates with your purpose in some way. The value that lives at the core of all value in your life, grows ever stronger no matter what.

If it feels like something valuable has been lost from your life, that is only because you have become too focused on outside events and conditions. Calmly and confidently let go of what does not really matter, and reconnect with your authentic living purpose.

The momentary expressions can indeed be wonderful and beautiful. Yet they will always come and go, clearing the way for your true purpose to be more richly fulfilled.

Without purpose, you could have all the material riches of the world and they would mean nothing. With purpose, you can create value, meaning and sweet fulfillment out of even the most challenging circumstances.

When you are driven by true purpose, anything is always possible. Whatever may be happening on the outside, let the value from inside lift your world ever higher.

— Ralph Marston

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