virgin islands scene

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Saturday, October 4, 2008

One small thing

One good thing naturally leads to another. So go ahead, right now, and do one good thing.

Just one simple positive step is enough to create some solid momentum. Go ahead and take that small step.

The challenges of life may seem overwhelming. Get yourself moving, just a little bit at first, in a positive direction, and those challenges will suddenly feel a lot smaller.

You don’t get to the top of the mountain in one enormous leap. You get there one small step at a time, and from the moment you begin the view just keeps getting better and better.

What one small thing could you choose to set the tone for the rest of this day, or even for the rest of your life? There are so many possibilities available to you.

Move just a little bit in the direction that you know is good and right for you. Once you get going, you won’t want to stop.

— Ralph Marston

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