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Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.
-- Dave Gardner


Monday, September 15, 2008

Living purpose

Your purpose is not to fear or to frighten. Your purpose is not to control or to be controlled.

Your purpose is to live, to love and to experience life in a way that is uniquely yours. Your purpose is to be open to the newness and reality of every moment, giving joy a living expression.

Your purpose is to give the miracle of life a distinct voice. It is to know and to treasure moments of pure beauty for which there are no words.

The challenges may be profound, and yet they cannot challenge or diminish your purpose. On the contrary, those challenges help you to understand and express your purpose more clearly.

The world can at times distract you into caring about mere shadows of life that have no real meaning. Yet always, beneath the surface, your living purpose is there.

Remember that purpose, and let its value flow freely from you with each thought, feeling and action. Live from your purpose and be fully alive.

— Ralph Marston

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