virgin islands scene

The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.
-- Helen Keller


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Be of service

Those who achieve the most do not see themselves as competing. They see themselves as serving.

If you wish to make clear and unmistakable progress, be of service. If you seek to create great value, be of service.

When your strategy is to grab all you can as quickly as you can, you will be met with debilitating opposition. When your strategy is to be of genuine service, your support will run far and wide.

It is foolish to think that you can fight against the world. True success comes when you choose to work for the world.

At any age, in any condition, for every circumstance, there is much you can give to life. Look for what you can offer, and there is much that you will find.

Give birth to a rich prosperity that will fill your own life and the world around you. Choose always, at every opportunity, to be of service.

— Ralph Marston

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