virgin islands scene

I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast.
-- Victor Frankl


Friday, May 30, 2008

There is

There is something new you can learn today. Learn the lesson well and carry the wisdom with you.

There is some improvement you can make today. Make that improvement and your efforts to do so will continue to reward you for a long time to come.

There is someone who would dearly appreciate a kind word from you today. Offer your kindness sincerely and often, and you’ll find your world growing ever brighter.

There is a purpose within you today. Express that purpose through your actions and commitments, and you’ll know the sweet taste of true fulfillment.

There is a way for you to make a positive difference today. Change the world in your own special way, and you’ll find it to be an even more beautiful place to live.

This day is filled with many possibilities, and you are here now to live them. There is so much you can do today, and now is the moment to begin.

— Ralph Marston

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