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I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure.
-- John D Rockefeller


Friday, May 23, 2008

Hope fulfilled

It is wonderful to live with hope in your heart. Yet by itself, hope will not accomplish anything.

By all means, hope for the very best. Then put that hope into action.

It is positive, productive, effective action that will bring about those things for which you hope. Let hope be your reason to act, and not a substitute for action.

Hope will put your mind and your spirit in a positive place. Hope can strengthen your will for doing whatever is necessary to move forward.

Keep hope alive within you. Treasure it, nurture it, and allow its warm, enriching glow to fill your world.

With your skills, your resources, your commitment and persistence, bring that hope to life. Through your own efforts, be the living fulfillment of the best of your hopes.

— Ralph Marston

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