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Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
-- Anthony Robbins


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A job well done

Even when all you can do is just a little bit, go ahead and do it, with all the care and commitment you can give to it. Even the smallest effort accomplishes much more than nothing.

Though it may take you a long time to finish, go ahead and get started. For if you delay, the work will take even longer.

Be willing to do the tedious and time-consuming jobs. For they are often what give substance and lasting value to the accomplishment.

A job well done is a job completed with enthusiasm, gratitude, focus and persistence. A job well done can add great value to your life and your world.

Putting forth effort toward a clear and meaningful goal brings a kind of satisfaction that cannot be reached in any other way. True fulfillment is yours when you’ve done the work to make it so.

A job well done brings your mind, body and spirit completely to life. And it provides the opportunity for another, even more fulfilling, job well done.

— Ralph Marston

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