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If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
-- Henry Ford


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meaningful effort

Seek not to avoid all effort, for that would curse you with unbearable emptiness. Seek instead to fill your life with meaningful efforts that resonate with your deepest purpose.

Your ability to make a difference is one of your greatest blessings. The more often you put that ability into practice, the more fulfilling your life will be.

You have your own special gifts to give to all of life. The intense longing within you is a longing to make a positive difference in your own unique way.

The universe in which you live is so wonderfully diverse and abundant that there are countless ways for you to create new value. You know each time you find one of those ways because it feels so right.

Don’t settle for the meaningless trinkets that will soon rust and fade away. Build your life upon those efforts and resulting accomplishments that express the true beauty of who you are.

The time you invest in meaningful effort will produce rewards that continue to grow more valuable. And you’ll fill your life with a richness that can never be taken away.

— Ralph Marston

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