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One can go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
-- Abraham Maslow


Friday, April 25, 2008

Sustainable pace

Small efforts bring large results when repeated often enough. And anyone has the ability to make a small effort.

Small efforts meet with little or no resistance. Over time, with patience and persistence, those small efforts can steadily wear down the most formidable challenges.

Often, the progress that is the most reliable and unstoppable is the progress that falls below the threshold of detection. Though each individual effort may seem to have no effect when you make it, at some point you’ll look back and realize the enormous impact of all your efforts added together.

When you seek instant gratification from every action, you make life needlessly painful and frustrating. When you choose instead to treat each moment as an opportunity to make a small, positive, long-term investment in your life, the rewards will be many and great.

Progress on your journey with one modest, joyful step at a time. By moving at a sustainable pace, you’ll be able to keep moving for as long as it takes to get exactly where you choose to go.

Enjoy success and fulfillment as they come, one small effort after another. Steadily add the special value of each moment to your life, and you’ll create a treasure that you can never lose.

— Ralph Marston

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