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Creativity is intelligence having fun.
-- Albert Einstein


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Peaceful effectiveness

Be continually at peace with yourself, and absolutely anything is possible. Rid your mind of all inner conflict, and the outer conflicts will not matter.

Realize that you can transcend anything, and everything becomes an opportunity. Decline to be caught up in the wasteful, destructive power struggles of the world, and you’ll find the real power to create according to your highest vision.

Gratefully and graciously accept each day as it comes. Let go of what has been, and eagerly take in all that is.

Choose your intentions as if they will come to life in great abundance. For when those intentions are sincerely filled with positive, meaningful purpose, they will indeed become real.

Instead of struggling to get one up on everyone else, raise your awareness to the point at which the competition is insignificant. Get in the habit of creating value, and you won’t feel the need to take it from others.

To be truly effective, be truly peaceful, sincere, thankful and accepting. Find delight and fulfillment in pulling all of life forward.

— Ralph Marston

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