virgin islands scene

Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest.
-- Paul Zane Pilzer


Monday, March 10, 2008

In love with life

Fall in love again each moment with life. Breathe in the rich, new wondrous possibilities that are continually being born.

Realize what a grand opportunity exists in even the smallest of matters. Today is a day like no other, and you are magnificently blessed to be a part of all that it encompasses.

The wind blows, the sun shines, night falls, and some days bring brutal cold while others offer stifling heat. There is beauty, there is tragedy, and there is exquisite fulfillment along with bitter disappointment.

On the surface, life is filled with much adventure, activity, change, confusion, excitement, joy and frustration. Underlying it all you’ll find abiding peace and goodness that can never be denied.

You have the unique, unmatched good fortune of being you, right here and right now. Take a brief moment to realize and remember who you truly are.

Then look out at the vast expanse of possibilities that surrounds you. And dive lovingly into it in your own special way.

— Ralph Marston

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