virgin islands scene

It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?
-- Henry David Thoreau


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The chorus of all that is

You are part of a greater whole. Without you, the whole cannot fully express itself, and without the whole, you are desperately empty.

You are vitally and uniquely important. But that does not make you more important than others. Your thoughts, ideas and actions have the power to transform. But that doesn’t give you the right to overwhelm.

Instead, it gives you the obligation to serve. It gives you the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than yourself, something that gracefully encompasses all you are.

By so giving, you enlarge your own life and the world around you. By so giving, you create real value and meaning, and experience profound fulfillment.

Sing your own song, with a passion that comes from the center of your being. And delight in how beautifully it resonates within the chorus of all that is.

— Ralph Marston

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