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Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
-- Anthony Robbins


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The way you respond

The things that are out of your control can make life interesting. The things that are within your control can make life exactly what you envision it to be.

Many of the challenges and difficulties that come your way are not in the least bit of your own making. Yet neither are many of the joys and blessings that arrive in your life.

Though you didn’t make them, you certainly can make the most of them. And in so doing, you will move life forward no matter what else may be going on.

The real key to success and fulfillment is to take whatever you have and to do something useful and valuable with it. That’s a path you can follow no matter who is running the country or where the economy is headed.

Your day-to-day thoughts and actions, along with your commitment, persistence and integrity are what will make the most difference in your life. The way you respond is much more important than the events and circumstances to which you are responding.

No matter what happens, there is always more opportunity today than there was yesterday. See those unique opportunities that resonate with who you are, and bring them magnificently to life.

— Ralph Marston

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