virgin islands scene

Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.
-- Henri Bergson


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Let life’s richness flow

Accomplishment comes when you allow it. Fulfillment comes when you allow it.

Worry, resentment, anger, envy and fear all serve to prevent your best possibilities from being realized. The more you learn to let go of the negative influences, the more easily and naturally will the richness of life flow through you.

How many worthwhile and fulfilling experiences have you missed because you were worried about what others might think? How many precious days have you wasted by being filled with resentment or fear?

You have so many beautiful places to go. There are so many valuable and fulfilling things you can do.

Begin today to more faithfully follow those bright and shining purposes that are deep within you. Let the negative, limiting thoughts and perceptions fall quietly and uneventfully away from you as quickly as they come.

Open your spirit, and allow your most beautiful possibilities to come to life. Remember who you truly are, and let life’s richness flow.

— Ralph Marston

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