virgin islands scene

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
-- Vincent Van Gogh


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Do more

Do more than merely getting through this day. Jump into it fully with vigor and enthusiasm.

Do more than merely getting through your work. Find real joy in making a difference.

When the purpose behind each day is just to get it over with, that dismal purpose can begin to take over your whole life. By contrast, when you put a little bit of joy and positive purpose into each moment, you get a whole lot of great and wonderful things filling your world.

It only takes a fraction of a second to change your whole life and your whole world for the better. Are you ready to go beyond merely surviving and to fill each thought, each word, each action with the most magnificent possibilities of life?

Life is exactly the way you choose to see it. Wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing, you have the opportunity to immediately and completely make life truly great.

Open your eyes, look around, and awaken to all the best possibilities. Now is when you can live with all the richness you’re able to imagine.

— Ralph Marston

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