virgin islands scene

We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.
-- C.S. Lewis


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A higher perspective

What troubles you is mostly trivial when viewed from the great perspective of all that is. Yet those troubles can feel much bigger when you look at them from the viewpoint of your self-imposed limitations.

Your ego will seek to convince you that nothing beyond you matters. Such thinking will keep you trapped in a prison of your own making.

Let go of the need to prove what you’re worth. And you’ll realize how uniquely valuable you already and always are.

As long as you remain on the same level as the obstacles in your life, those obstacles will prevent you from making progress. Yet from a higher perspective you’ll discover many ways to get beyond them.

If you’re confounded by some particular situation, step back and remind yourself, in your own way, of how truly beautiful and magnificent life can be. Feel yourself rising above the limitations that your ego has constructed.

Instead of being troubled by your troubles, let them be a catalyst for your own growth and for truly meaningful inspiration. Climb up to a higher perspective and find a path to the greatness that is within you.

— Ralph Marston

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