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Some people change their ways when they see the light; others when they feel the heat.
-- Caroline Schoeder


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One more attempt

If you are always willing to make one more attempt, you can reach whatever goal you choose. No matter what results you get, the only real failure is when you stop making the effort.

When you are mistaken, you can learn. When you are knocked down, you can get back up.

When you find that you’ve veered off track, you can correct your direction. When you discover that circumstances have changed, you can make adjustments accordingly.

Eventually, you’ll reach the point at which the next attempt you make is the one that will complete the desired accomplishment. What a shame it would be to stop just one effort short of success.

For that next effort will make all the others pay off. Commit yourself to making one more effort, one more attempt, as often as necessary, and anything is within your reach.

Keep making that one more attempt, keep getting back up, and keep moving forward in the direction of your goal, one step after another. And you will surely get there.

— Ralph Marston

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