Thursday, October 4, 2007
Cut challenges down to size
Unlike most things, challenges almost always look bigger and more imposing from a distance than they do when you get close to them. Most of the challenges you’re avoiding will not seem nearly so overwhelming when you choose to actually face them.
The challenges that intimidate you require your assistance to do so. On their own, they’re really not so tough, yet in your imagination they can grow to monstrous proportions.
The way to cut those challenges down to size is to get busy working on them. Once you’re immersed in the details you’ll realize that they’re not so bad after all.
How many times have you desperately avoided something, only to discover later that there was really no reason to avoid it at all? Very often, the effort spent avoiding a difficult challenge is more demanding and burdensome than the challenge itself.
What have you been avoiding because you just didn’t want to deal with it? Imagine how great it will be to have that burden fall completely away.
Go ahead, pick a challenge that has been intimidating you, and get busy working your way through it. Then, instead of living with constant intimidation you’ll be enjoying the real value you’ve just created.
Ralph Marston

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