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I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.
-- Galileo Galilei


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Celebrate what’s working

Out of necessity, you often focus on the things in your life that are not working as well as you’d like them to be. It pays to also consider, appreciate and celebrate the vastly large number of things that are working just great.

Occasionally you’ll turn the key in the ignition and your car won’t start, causing hassles, frustration and delays. Yet how very many more times do you have cause to be thankful when you turn the key, the car starts right up, and you drive quickly and safely to your destination?

The problems and the pains may at times seem to be overwhelming. Keep in mind though, that the only reason you notice them at all is because they are so relatively rare.

The news each day may appear to be all bad news. However, what qualifies anything to be news is the fact that it is highly unusual.

In the normal course of life, there are so very many things which work just fine that you only notice a small fraction of them all. Open your awareness to more of them, seek to be more genuinely thankful for them, and you’ll connect more fully to their immensely positive power.

Celebrate what’s working in your life and in your world, and those few things that are not working will hardly be able to even slow you down. Celebrate what’s working, and it will increasingly work even better for you.

— Ralph Marston

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