virgin islands scene

It is better to ask some of the questions than know all the answers.
-- James Thurber


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A little higher

There will be days so dreadful that you may regret ever getting out of bed, and there will be days so beautiful that you’ll wish they would never end. You can make something good and valuable out of all of them.

Some people you meet will make you instantly feel that you’ve known them for years. Others you meet may make you want to get as far away from them as quickly as you can.

All kinds of people are equally worthy of your kindness, respect and consideration, and have their own valuable gifts to offer. Remind yourself often of that.

There will be stretches of time when you’ll feel you can’t get anything right, and there will be periods when everything you touch seems to turn to gold. Don’t allow either extreme to get the best of you or to compromise your precious integrity.

You’ll experience times of boundless joy, and moments of overwhelming frustration. You’ll discover places of extraordinary beauty, and regions of terrifying ugliness.

Through it all, remember that whatever you may encounter is virtually insignificant when compared with what you choose to do with it. Always choose the best response, no matter what comes your way, and each day you’ll rise a little higher than you were the day before.

— Ralph Marston

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