virgin islands scene

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
-- James Joyce


Thursday, August 23, 2007

First impressions

First impressions are helpful and important. Yet they are certainly not everything.

A quick first impression can give you a feel for what’s going on. Still, there’s much substance that lies beneath the surface.

Allow your instincts to guide you without letting them dominate you. Do the work and dig deeper before making any long-term judgments or commitments.

In presenting yourself, seek to make an excellent first impression. Be sure, however, to also have the depth of substance that will faithfully back up that initial positive impression.

Those who are quick to judge, without considering all the facts, often make serious and irreversible mistakes. More often than not, hasty judgments lead to trouble, alienation, anger, frustration and regret.

Pay attention to your first impression. And let that first impression be a starting point rather than a final conclusion.

— Ralph Marston

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