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Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.
-- Jonathon Kozol


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Contribute to life

Always, there is something you can contribute to life. In every place and time and situation, there is a way for you to make a positive difference.

In whatever you are able to offer, there is bountiful opportunity. For the value you give comes back to you over and over again.

The way to bring out the best in others is to put your own best abilities into action. The way to truly learn is to teach.

Every achievement is built upon the steady and focused creation of value. Learn to see each moment as an opportunity to create meaningful value, and your life will be filled with astonishing achievements.

When so many others are preoccupied with what they can get, choose to focus your own thoughts on what and how you can most effectively give. That is the path to real and lasting abundance.

The quality of the life you live has everything to do with what you’re willing to give. Contribute your own special value to life, and you’ll discover it’s the best investment you could ever make.

— Ralph Marston

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