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Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.
-- Seth Godin


Friday, June 29, 2007

The easy way out

Avoiding effort is more difficult than just going ahead and getting it done. Because not only do you spend time and energy avoiding the effort, you also must suffer the consequences of failing to do the work.

Take the time to do what must be done. Don’t get caught up in making judgments about whether it is easy or difficult, pleasant or unpleasant, for that will just hold you back.

If you’re interested in finding the easiest way out, consider this. The easiest way is to just go ahead and get it done.

Is there something you’ve been avoiding because it will require too much effort? Is there really anything at all that you’ve gained by putting it off?

Imagine the sense of satisfaction and release that you’ll enjoy when the task is completed. Think of how great it will be when you’re no longer constantly dreading it.

Then get busy and get it done. Make the effort, finish the work, and you’ll find that you’ve truly taken the easy way out.

— Ralph Marston

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