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Great talent finds happiness in execution.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Where does courage come from? What brings courage to life?

Courage is the commitment to do what you know is right. Courage arises when your integrity will not allow any other choice.

Courage comes from following a purpose that goes beyond your own petty concerns. Because of that, courage gives far-reaching power and consequence to your actions.

In the short term, courage can often appear foolish. In the long run, courage has the power to move the whole world in a positive direction.

Courage asks much of you, yet it is not complicated and is always within your reach. Courage is truth put into action.

In every moment, courage is there for you to choose. In every moment, courage is the choice that will fulfill the best of who you are.

— Ralph Marston

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