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No man is a failure who is enjoying life.
-- William Feather


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Path to victory

From this moment, there is a path that leads toward victory and another path that leads toward defeat. Which path is your awareness focused upon?

Each pathway is equally valid, equally realistic, and equally accessible. Which path have you chosen to follow?

The particular circumstances of this moment don’t really matter that much. What matters is what you decide to do with what you have right now.

Know, without a doubt, that there is a very real path that goes from where you are now to where you would most like to be. Know it and you will surely see it.

Always, there is hope, for always you can take a step forward. Step by step, you can work your way to any place you choose.

Get yourself on the path that leads to victory, to accomplishment and fulfillment of your most deeply held purposes. That path is surely here right now, ready for you to take the next step.

— Ralph Marston

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