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Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.
-- Dale Carnegie


Saturday, May 5, 2007

A peaceful mind

There is enormous power in peace. Seek to let your mind be filled with peace, and your life will benefit greatly.

Worry wastes your precious time, resentment destroys your effectiveness and anxiety drains your energy. A peaceful mind, on the other hand, puts you firmly in control and out of the reach of the world’s negative distractions.

Peace comes easily and naturally when you stop fighting against what is. Accept the reality of this moment, let go of the need to need, and experience the peace that is already here.

Peace is what you find when you let go of everything else. Peace requires no real effort other than the realization that you already have it.

Beneath the noise, beneath the chatter, there is beauty, and there is peace. Visualize your concerns as moving quickly away from you, until they disappear into nothingness.

Empty your mind of the stressful thoughts, and peace will fill the space left behind. Be at peace, and every thought, every action, every moment will move you toward real richness and fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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