virgin islands scene

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
-- John D. Rockefeller


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Exquisite fulfillment

Securing an advantage over others will only bring you outer value. And that outer value is constantly vulnerable to theft, attack and decay.

Inner value, on the other hand, grows stronger and more firmly entrenched the more it is given away. The value that flows out from you creates positive connections with whatever it reaches.

It is an exercise in folly to try and force the world to bend to your needs and desires. Instead, send your dreams into the world and you will cause the world to resonate with those dreams.

Dare to visualize the most magnificent and fulfilled life you can imagine. And dare to find a way to bestow that level of fulfillment on everyone you know.

What you are willing to give is surely what you are even now becoming. From the beauty that lives deep within, you have so very much to give.

Let the value flow from you. And live in the exquisite fulfillment created as that value takes form in the world around you.

— Ralph Marston

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