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In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Monday, April 9, 2007

This is your moment

Let go of your criticisms about how things should have been, and you’ll see the magnificent possibilities of now. Let go of your worries about what might be, and you’ll be able to focus on all you can do right now.

Stop putting your energy into making excuses and use that energy to take action. Quit fretting over getting it perfect and put your focus on being effective.

You have now arrived at a unique moment that is filled with countless possibilities. You can make something truly valuable out of it.

You have the real and powerful ability to imagine, and then to put that imagination into action. You can call together all you’ve experienced, and everything that is most meaningful to you, and to create from it all your very own gifts to life.

There is abundance all around you, and with a little focused, determined effort that abundance is yours to enjoy. Choose to connect with the best within you, to make that effort, and to live with true richness.

Get up, get inspired, get moving and get involved in making a positive difference. This is your moment to come fully to life.

— Ralph Marston

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