Thursday, March 29, 2007
Rise above frustration
Put your frustrations in perspective, and most of them will disappear. Refuse to get caught up in them, and those frustrations will have no power over you.
Small inconveniences and minor disappointments can lead to major disruptions if you let them. But you don’t have to let them.
When you feel frustration starting to overwhelm you, choose to step back a little bit. Sure, the situation may be absurd and outrageous, but is it really all that important?
Your ego likes to make you blow the little things far out of proportion, because it’s an easy way to feel important. Yet it can also be an enormous waste of your time and energy, not to mention the negative impact it has on your attitude.
As much as possible, give the frustrations some distance. Get away from them to a place where you can calmly think through your options, and you’ll find that there’s almost never any need to be frustrated.
Rise above the pettiness of wasteful frustrations, with a smile on your face and generosity in your heart. And you’ll be able to clearly see a fast, effective, fulfilling way forward.
Ralph Marston

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