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Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
-- Winston Churchill


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A beautiful day

Would you like for this day to be a beautiful day? There is so much you can do to make it so.

Instead of being obsessed with getting your way, focus on giving your best. That is what will bring real value to both you and your world.

When you feel the need to prove that you are right, stop and redirect the energy of that feeling. Put it into expressing your authentic purpose in a sincere and positive way.

Realize that there are many things that annoy and frustrate you only because you allow them to do so. You can just as easily choose to not let them get to you, and put your time to more productive use.

What would you do today if you did not have to be concerned about getting your way? What would you do today if you didn’t need to worry about what others were thinking of you?

Now is the only time you’ll have the opportunity to experience this day. With your attitude and your actions, choose to make it a beautiful and valuable experience.

— Ralph Marston

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