virgin islands scene

Arriving at one point is the starting point to another.
-- John Dewey


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A magical place

The world is a magical place. Just because you have grown accustomed to the magic does not make it any less so.

Look out in any direction, and think about what you see. You see life, you see beauty, you see possibilities, you see fulfillment, you see all these magical things happening.

You’ve gotten used to what you know and to what you can do. Remember, though, that you can experience so very much more.

You have the ability to imagine, and then to take whatever you imagine and make it real. What could possibly be more magical than that?

Everything you now know has been put in place by that same sort of magic. Whatever you would like to know and to experience is waiting for you to make it so.

This moment is your opportunity to work your own special magic. Imagine the very best, and then through the magic of your life you can make it so.

— Ralph Marston

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