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The darkest hour of a man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.
-- Horace Greeley


Friday, February 9, 2007

Always moving forward

Give to yourself the highest of expectations. And all the while, be patient with yourself as well.

Know for certain that you are surely born to do great things. And know also that real value takes time and patience to fully develop.

You are always a work in progress. On some days you will make a little more progress than usual, and on other days a little less.

Yet every day has its purpose and its own special value. Even when, by all outward appearances, you are falling behind, on a deeper level you are always moving forward.

For every experience, whatever it may be, brings its own richness to your life. Learn to see that richness, to accept it, to make use of it, and you will find your most treasured dreams coming to life.

Be eager to make the effort, and patient about seeing the results. Something in each and every day will move you forward.

— Ralph Marston

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