virgin islands scene

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
-- Bhagavad Gita


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Magnificent treasure

They wait patiently in the back of your mind, gently reminding you from time to time of their presence. Each time they come to the surface, you feel a tinge of longing and wonder and excitement.

You consider them for a moment, and then you usually push them back away from your awareness. Something, seemingly more urgent, comes along.

Yet they never completely go away. Because there is something in them that tells you about who you are.

What are they? They’re the best of your unexplored possibilities.

You hold on to them, keep them buried away, and cherish them deeply in your own way. Maybe now, though, maybe it is time to begin giving life to them.

The next time one of those unexplored possibilities reminds you of itself, do more than just putting it back away. For in the best of those unexplored possibilities, there is magnificent treasure to be found.

— Ralph Marston

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