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It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
-- W. Somerset Maugham


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Where your thoughts are

Where are your thoughts going? That is where your life will soon be.

On what kinds of things is your awareness most consistently focused? Those are the things that will form the reality of your life.

Life is endlessly abundant. The portion of that abundance that you can most fully imagine and embody determines how life will be for you.

Every achievement exists first in your mind. Every disappointment also exists first in your mind.

So fill your mind with the best you can imagine, as often as you can remember to do so. The possibilities to which you devote your focus and your energy are the ones you will experience for real.

Right this moment, your thoughts are setting the direction for your future. Choose the thoughts that will lead you to the life you most desire.

— Ralph Marston

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