virgin islands scene

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.
-- William James


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Invest your attention

You are always highly attentive to something. Though the object of your attention may change quickly and often, at any given moment your attention is focused on one particular thing or another.

You have the ability for long and consistent focus if you so choose, and you also have the ability to go with the flow of the moment. Both abilities can be extremely valuable in their own ways.

The important thing is that the object of your attention is yours to decide. It cannot be forced upon you by anything other than your own choice.

Look back at the various ways you’ve spent your attention, and consider what those choices have brought you. Use your experience as a guide when you select where to invest your attention in each moment.

The possibilities available to you depend upon which direction you look. Think of the kinds of places where you’ve found real and lasting value in the past, and you’ll know where to look.

There is enormous power in your attention, and you can decide in each moment precisely where that power is directed. Choose always to aim the power of your attention so that it lifts you and your world higher and higher.

— Ralph Marston

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