Tuesday, November 7, 2006
An active participant
The more effort you give, the more you expose yourself to the possibility of disappointment. But that is certainly no reason to avoid the effort.
The more love you give, the more you expose yourself to the possibility of being hurt. Yet it would hurt infinitely more to have never given any love.
Sure, life has its pitfalls. The key is not to avoid them out of fear, but to overwhelm them with positive purpose.
For effort, while it can sometimes bring disappointment, more often brings great accomplishment. And love, while it can bring heartbreak, more often brings a level of fulfillment that cannot be matched.
Every experience, no matter what the outcome, adds richness and depth to your life. With the positive moments you build joy, and with the difficult times you build strength.
Engage yourself fully in the details of living, and with each day you add value to your life that cannot be taken away. Be an active, enthusiastic participant in this day, and you’ll come away from it with real, lasting treasure.
Ralph Marston

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