virgin islands scene

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
-- William Shakespeare


Monday, October 23, 2006

Come as they will

You cannot force the sun to rise any sooner than it does. You cannot force the summer to last any longer than it does.

Life has a certain rhythm that gives it much value. Take care to respect and appreciate that rhythm.

Your best possibilities will grow into reality at a pace that is right for them. If you try to force them any sooner or delay them, much of their value will be lost.

Instead, allow the richness to come into your life at a steady and measured pace. For that will enable you to more fully experience it all.

Consider how unpleasant it would be to eat a lifetime’s worth of meals at one sitting. Realize how much more fulfilling it is to completely enjoy just a few each day as you need them.

Choose to make the very most of this moment, and you won’t feel the need to rush to the next. The treasures of life are best experienced when you let them come as they will.

— Ralph Marston

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