virgin islands scene

The most violent element in society is ignorance.
-- Emma Goldman


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bring your vision to life

To change your reality, first change your perceptions. To bring something into your world, first bring it fully to life within yourself.

Go beyond merely thinking about what you would like to do, or be, or create. Go ahead and experience it in detail with all that you are.

In your mind’s eye, with your emotions fully engaged, surround yourself with the richness of whatever you envision. Fill your awareness with the sights, the sounds, the feelings, and the texture of it all.

Allow yourself to experience the pure joy of the best life you can imagine. Let that feeling penetrate to the very depth of your being.

Make it real within you, and you’ll begin to make it real in the world around you. Know without a doubt that it is, and it will begin to be.

Bring your vision to life on the stage of your awareness. And the positive energy you focus upon it will surely make it real.

— Ralph Marston

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