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The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
-- Kenneth Blanchard


Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Beyond your beliefs

Your limits are as real as you perceive them to be. What if you changed your perceptions?

There is a world of possibilities beyond the comfortable and familiar boundaries that you’ve accepted for yourself. Imagine going into and exploring that world.

There are great and wonderful things you can do that you don’t believe you can do. What if your beliefs were to grow?

There are positive and valuable options available to you that you’ve never dared to consider. Perhaps it is time to consider them.

You have the power to make this the very best, most joyful and fulfilling day you’ve ever lived. And then, you have the power to make tomorrow even better.

Can you dare to imagine it and believe it to the point where you feel it in your bones? When you do, it will be.

— Ralph Marston

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