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The best way out is always through.
-- Robert Frost


Saturday, May 13, 2006


Preparation is important, but it is not enough. Planning can be very helpful, and yet it is not enough.

Being inspired fills you with positive energy, and still it is not enough. Getting yourself motivated is great, but there’s more to achievement than all these things.

For achievement requires performance. After all the planning, preparation and motivation, you must get up, get out there, and make it happen.

Once you start to take action, you cross a threshold, and suddenly your perspective changes. You’ve gone beyond the stage of getting ready and into the realm of actually creating the achievement.

Once you’ve started to take action, you’re committed to following through with all that is in you. Put everything you have into the best, most positive, creative and valuable performance you can imagine.

Achievement comes to those who go beyond the training, beyond the planning, beyond the motivation and into the zone of effective action. Achievement belongs to those who choose to become fully immersed in the performance.

— Ralph Marston

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