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There never was a good knife made of bad steel.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Be the answer

You can’t depend on some expert or guru to provide you with the answer you seek. Instead of looking for the answer outside yourself, choose to be the answer by the way you think and act.

You are the world’s most knowledgeable expert on your own life. Put some of that expertise to good use.

Certainly others can give you advice, suggestions, inspiration and expanded perspective. Yet it is up to you to choose what is best for your own unique situation.

The most valuable course of action is not to be found by plugging yourself into someone else’s formula. The success you will achieve is the success you work to define on your own terms.

Speak with your own voice, think with your own mind, and act according to your own vision. The expert advice that will be most beneficial is the control you exercise over the choices you make.

Live in such a way as to be the solution to the problems you face and the answer to the questions you ponder. And be the fulfilled, successful person you are destined to be.

— Ralph Marston

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