Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Outside the walls
You are capable of many wonderful things that you do not even know about. Decide to start discovering some of them.
Outside the walls of your imagined limitations, there is a whole world waiting to be experienced. Allow yourself to venture into it.
There is so very much you can do when you stop being so consumed with what you can’t do. There are so many opportunities and possibilities to explore when you stop worrying about your shortcomings and disappointments.
Let go of the small, limiting thoughts that revolve only around your ego. Make room for the big, expansive thoughts that enable you to experience life’s magnificent abundance.
There is so very much you can do, so very much you can be, so very much you can give. Choose to open yourself to the wealth of possibilities.
Step outside the walls of your old assumptions. And take life to a whole new level.
Ralph Marston

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