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The discipline of the written word punishes both stupidity and dishonesty.
-- John Steinbeck


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Success is achieved

Success is achieved not by doing only what is comfortable and convenient. Success is built by doing what must be done to reach it.

Success is achieved not by waiting until the last minute to get started. Success is created by looking ahead and working to be fully prepared.

Success is achieved not by making a half-hearted effort. Success comes when there is rock-solid commitment and real, meaningful purpose.

Success is achieved not by waiting for the lucky breaks. Success is built by making the most of whatever circumstances and events may come along.

Success is achieved not at random. Success happens when there is a decision and an effort and a commitment to make it happen.

Success is achieved not by a lucky few. Success is achieved by anyone who chooses to create it.

— Ralph Marston

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