virgin islands scene

There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.
-- Richard Avedon


Friday, May 27, 2005

Relax and enjoy

Diligent, focused effort will bring about great achievements. And that effort is infinitely more effective when regularly balanced with complete, total relaxation.

The more effectively you work, the more opportunities you’ll have for relaxation. The more fully you relax on a regular basis, the more effective your work will become.

It is common to get stuck when you are working on something difficult and complex. One of the best ways to get moving forward again is to take some time off.

Get completely away from your difficult and demanding effort. Put it totally out of your mind, and replace it with something that’s overwhelmingly enjoyable.

Then, when you come back, you’ll be operating from a more powerful, more positive, more purposeful perspective. And the breakthrough you need will come.

On a regular basis, take time to relax, to enjoy, to savor life fully. And you’ll find that it improves every corner of your world.

— Ralph Marston

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