Thursday, May 12, 2005
Substance of your dreams
What is the most beautiful thing you can imagine? You have the ability to make that beauty real.
How would life be if it were everything you could ever hope for? You are in a position to bring those hopes to life.
Look beyond the superficial tokens and trinkets of the world, to the underlying hopes, dreams and possibilities that give them value. Those hopes, those dreams, those beautiful possibilities are yours the moment you choose to accept them.
A successful life is not a matter of acquiring power and possessions. A successful life comes from giving meaning and purpose to the abilities and resources with which you are blessed.
Approach success from that perspective, and there is no limit to what you can achieve. Seek the real substance of your dreams instead of their mere outward appearance, and you will not seek in vain.
What is the most beautiful, wonderful life you can imagine? Commit yourself to it, and the best of it is already yours.
Ralph Marston

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