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He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.
-- Francis Bacon


Wednesday, December 22, 2004


The world keeps changing from day to day, moment to moment. That can be a big problem for you, or it can be a magnificent opportunity.

One of your greatest skills is your ability to adapt. When you make use of that skill, you can get the changes to work in your favor.

The future is a moving target. Even the most carefully constructed plans can be rendered ineffective by changing conditions.

Yet there is no need to give up on your goals when things change. For you can take a good look and your new surroundings and successfully adapt to them.

It could very well be that a changing situation offers even more opportunity than was there before. Put yourself in a position to realize that opportunity by adapting to the changes.

When your world changes, you can become immobilized with worry, you can waste your time complaining, or you can adapt. Make use of your ability to adapt, and be your best in an ever-changing world.

— Ralph Marston

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