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It is better to ask some of the questions than know all the answers.
-- James Thurber


Friday, December 17, 2004

What a joy

What a joy it is that the winds of winter blow cold. For they make the warmth of spring so much more precious.

What a joy it is when we disagree with each other. For it gives us the opportunity to better understand.

What a joy it is when an unexpected problem arises. For in that problem is a valuable lesson to be learned.

What a joy it is to experience discomfort. For discomfort is how it feels to grow stronger.

What a joy it is to live in a world filled with challenges, difficulties and obstacles. For there is always a reason and a way to make a positive difference.

What a joy it is that the road ahead is an uphill climb. For where it leads is all the way to the top.

— Ralph Marston

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