Saturday, November 20, 2004
Relate to the goal
Before you consider the difficulties, consider the rewards you’ll enjoy after getting past those difficulties. Before looking at the effort you must put forth, look at what you have an opportunity to accomplish.
Yes, there are obstacles that stand in front of you. And the most effective way to get through them is with a meaningful, compelling reason.
Look, in your imagination, to the other side of the mountain. For it is the strength of your vision that will carry you over that mountain.
When your heart is in the effort, you’ll find a way to prevail against whatever may block your path. When your heart is in the effort, you’ll be fully and effectively engaged every step of the way.
See, hear, feel and taste the end of the journey before you even begin. The more vividly you visualize and relate to the goal, the more energy you’ll have to get there.
Difficult as it may be, there is a path from here to there. Connect solidly with your purpose for going, and you’ll surely complete the journey.
Ralph Marston

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